North Dakota Receives FAA Airport Grants

ND – The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has awarded 17 Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants totaling $16.2 million to North Dakota airports for various enhancements, repairs, and equipment. North Dakota’s U.S. Senator Kevin Cramer announced the awards last month and provided a detailed breakdown of how the funds are to be distributed.

The largest award of nearly $6.1 million will go to Grand Forks International (GFK) for the extension of runway 9L/27R to 6,701 feet to meet FAA standards. Minot International (MOT) will receive $2.2 million for sealing, joint filling, and repairs of both its runways as well as a snow removal vehicle. Other grants include $1.7 million to Dickinson/Theodore Roosevelt Regional for airfield maintenance vehicles; $1.5 million to Beach Airport (20U) for apron, taxiway, and runway repairs; and $1.1 million to Carrington Municipal (46D) for rehabilitation of parts of its taxiway and runway.

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