Ribbon Cut on Runway Project at Cullman Regional

The completely rebuilt runway at Cullman Regional Airport (CMD) in Vinemont, Alabama, has been in full daily operation since construction was finished in January, but airport management wanted to wait to dedicate it until landscaping and other aesthetic and functional finishing touches were completed. The ribbon-cutting was held in October with airport management and board members along with local elected officials present for the celebration. In addition, several board members who were instrumental in building the airport and original runway in 1958 attended.

The runway had been improved numerous times over the years, but records of the work were scarce, and it turned out that varying levels of base materials and asphalt had been cobbled together to form the runway. The same was true for the taxiways and surrounding ramp areas. The airport hired Birmingham, Alabama-based Goodwyn Mills, and Cawood to perform the engineering work and draw up the plan to renovate the airport in a prioritized manner. At that time the decision was made to do a full-depth reclamation and rebuild of the runway. Beginning in 2014 the taxiways and connectors were rehabilitated, and ramp areas were rebuilt. All the existing runway material was recycled and mixed with concrete to form a consistent new base layer, avoiding the cost of hauling it off and bringing in new material. Brand new asphalt was applied as the top pavement, and all new LED lighting was installed. In addition to the infrastructure improvements, trees were removed from the approaches to enhance the safety areas. The $4.2 million cost of the project was funded with a $3.6 million FAA grant, with the $600,000 balance being borne by the city, county, and state.

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