More Corporate Hangars Planned for John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport 

PA – Continuing the development of business aviation, the Johnstown-Cambria County Airport Authority is moving ahead with plans for two new $2 million hangars. The authority on Thursday approved advertising for construction bids on the nearly 4,000-square-foot structures. Cory Cree, manager of the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, said proposals are being sought for one hangar, with the second unit as an alternate bid. The two units would be built as adjoining hangars in one large structure as designed. 

With construction costs soaring, Cree said, the authority members decided they could start with one unit and build the second unit later if necessary. “If the bids come in great, we’ll do them both,” Cree said. “But more likely, it will be one hangar.” Airport leaders are confident they will find corporate tenants for the new facilities. “There’s a demand industry-wide for hangars, so we anticipate filling it,” Cree said. 

Plans call for the new buildings to be leased by organizations looking for a place to base their aircraft, he said, noting that one business has already shown an interest. The location is an adjacent property for an aviation business park, designated as a Keystone Opportunity Zone. New businesses located in the KOZ have been exempt from property taxes for several years. 

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