Protecting Valuable Aviation Assets Around the World Starts with Quality Built Aircraft Hangars

Tips on Building a Perfectly Protective Hangar

Expert Design and Proper Implementation

From airplanes to helicopters and even luxury sports cars, a high-functioning aviation hangar structure will pay for itself many times over through impressive asset protection. The key to achieving maximum protection and function from this unique space is planning, expert design, and proper implementation. In this highly informative article, we will unpack the essentials of designing and deploying the right aircraft hangar for your specific needs and budget.

The Integration of Fully Compliant Structures

We will look at the most recent developments in modern aircraft hangar construction, including the use of state-of-the-art materials and the integration of fully compliant structures. With demand becoming extremely high in recent years, quality hangar design and development is vital to timely and efficient completed structures that are affordable and that perform as advertised. With that said, what does it cost to build a reliable aircraft hangar? Keeping the budget clearly in the forefront is crucial to controlling overall expenses and ensures long-term aviation asset protection success.

Planning and Budgeting

The costs involved with taking an aircraft hangar from concept to reality can be substantial. That is why it is so important to plan and budget in a smart and careful manner. Everything from site selection and preparation to labor and materials, as well as building permits and insurance, must be considered. In addition, details such as truss spacing, snow load, wind resistance ratings, and door selection must also be factored into any airplane hangar project. Structural designs that blend functionality with cost-effectiveness are usually the preferred way to proceed.

The Tension Membrane Structure

One hangar design concept that has quickly grown in popularity recently is that of the tension membrane structure or fabric material style hangars. This design is unique due to its ability to lower costs by 30% or more as compared to traditional rigid material structures. Equally impressive is that these “soft” structures offer faster lead time and deployment. However, with this type of aircraft hangar design, special attention must be given to adequate truss spacing, especially when wind rating and snow load are factored into the design.

Size Criticality

Maximizing functionality while being aware of cost begins with hitting the target in terms of appropriate aircraft hangar size. It is obvious that aircraft dimensions and the planned number of parked aircraft are critical factors when choosing the best size hangar structure. However, aircraft maneuvering, as well as the placement of maintenance and support equipment, must also be considered. Along with these factors, there must also be adequate space for actual maintenance and repair operations. This is yet another case where a fabric structure may offer the best design flexibility and height clearances.

It’s Always About the Door

Once an aircraft hangar design has been agreed upon, the next vital element of any airplane hangar project is, of course, the best hangar door choice. Accessibility and functionality are the main aspects of door selection. The door chosen must align well with the overall hangar design and mission. There are various hangar doors that should be carefully reviewed with your contractor. These include vertical lift doors, bi-folding doors, and the traditional sliding doors. Note that the sliding doors are typically the most affordable option. That said, it is the bi-fold and vertical lift door style that offers the most efficient use of internal hangar space.

Keeping Electrons Flowing

Fundamental to any good airplane hangar design is properly planned and expertly executed electrical blueprinting and implementation. Plenty of strategically placed power outlets of the correct voltage with the most appropriate amperage considerations is crucial to long-term hangar use and viability. Maintenance and repair crews must have easy and convenient access to electrical power sources. Technicians and engineers should be able to easily access electrical power safely and quickly whenever needed. Electrical load and demand, especially when factoring in heavy-draw systems such as fire suppression, must also be considered.

Start With a Solid Footing

Hangars are special structures unlike others in that they must support the weight of one or more aircraft, easily totaling into hundreds of thousands of pounds. As such, the foundation of a hangar must meet the demands set forth. The foundation must be robust, strong, and long-lasting. This requires the use of cutting-edge reinforced concrete technology, ensuring maximum strength and stability. Hardened aggregate concrete produced today is highly effective at handling pressure stress and even impact stress. A good, durable epoxy coating is recommended as a sealer, traction enhancer, and protective barrier against caustic chemicals.

Lights and Action

Little can be accomplished with lack of good lighting in a hangar. Allowing experts to create an efficient and functional hangar lighting design is important to maximizing any hangar space. For example, the natural lighting provided by strategically placed skylights not only reduces energy costs, but it also improves worker health and mood. A well-lit workspace that includes natural light is conducive to maximizing productivity. Good use of natural lighting is really at the core of making any hangar space a more sustainable space.

Fabric Lets the Light Shine

A fabric material hangar structure, which by design is translucent, plays a key role in sustainable hangar lighting planning. Fabric allows sunlight to filter through, effectively reducing the need for artificial lighting sources and giving a big boost to productivity during aircraft maintenance and repair work. In essence, creating a more naturally bright environment contributes to greater productivity and to eco-friendly design principles. By minimizing the need for artificial light, the hangar becomes more energy-efficient and better aligns with sustainable goals, making it more environmentally friendly anytime fabric material elements are the central focus of lighting design.


The design and deployment of an efficient and functional aircraft hangar is a complex process that demands the perfect blend of several key factors. These include cost analysis and budget management, proper sizing and dimension considerations, detailed electrical planning, and the inclusion of sustainable design elements. The role of architects and engineers is paramount in this essential process. They are tasked with designing hangars that meet all operational demands while prioritizing the safety and security of human resources and aircraft housed within.

Navigating the Complexities of a Large-Scale Hangar Project

Their skills and knowledge ensure that a hangar not only functions as expected but also adheres to the most stringent safety standards. In addition, collaboration with experienced industry professionals is at the core of navigating the complexities of a large-scale hangar project. Understanding and complying with all regulatory standards is another critical component of hangar development, making certain that the structure meets all legal and safety requirements.

Aviation Property Network

Discover the ideal aircraft hangar for lease or purchase with our experienced aviation real estate experts. APN specializes in matching you with the perfect space to fit your unique aircraft needs, whether you are looking for a private, commercial, or corporate hangar. With our extensive knowledge of the aviation market and complex network, we streamline the process, providing you with tailored options and expert guidance every step of the way. APN handles the details so you can focus on what matters most—your passion for aviation. Trust us to find the hangar solution that perfectly aligns with your vision and goals.

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