Aircraft Constructed by Teenagers Takes Off in Naples Students Invited to Help Build Experimental Kit Airplane in the Sunshine State  

FL – One of humanity’s most remarkable achievements was the invention of the airplane, which has enabled us to soar through the clouds. Now, teenagers in Naples, Florida, have created their own planes and taken them to the skies. 

The eleven girls and boys between ages 10 and 18 are thrilled to fly their special airplane from their Florida airport to Wisconsin in July for an international fly-in convention, which attracts over 600,000 people from approximately 100 different nations. 

Following the school aviation program, the children want to pursue careers in the industry. They declared that the next step in their journeys is to obtain their pilot’s licenses. After building their own plane, they’ve come to the realization that they can achieve just about anything as long as they put their minds to it. 

Joan Zaleski, a community outreach coordinator with the Naples Youth Aviation Project, stated that they had been discussing the idea of holding monthly Young Eagles Flight rallies where children could receive free rides on planes. She added that parents often ask what else their kids could do if they possess a strong interest in flying. 

In 2019, eleven individuals, including Ali Amini, embarked on a mission to construct an experimental aircraft. But like so many other endeavors at the time, the COVID-19 pandemic quickly halted their progress. But in early June, the team of engineers unveiled the Sling 2.  

Amini expressed his delight in his involvement with the Sling 2. He noted that it was a highly rewarding experience to witness the positive results of his efforts. Looking ahead, his ambition is to obtain a private pilot’s license, followed by an Instrument Flight Rules certification, and eventually pursue a degree in aerospace engineering. 

Devil Wilson, another one of the crews from Naples, voiced his desire to fly jets in the future. He claimed that being involved in building the plane and actually seeing it fly through the clouds is nothing short of spectacular.  

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