Brian Walker – General Aviation Enthusiast and a Texas Aviation Real Estate Agent

TX – At Aviation Property Network, we’d like to introduce you to Brian Walker, our Texas affiliate agent. When we say that Brian’s love of general aviation is the size of Texas, we really mean it, and we truly enjoyed talking to him about his love of general aviation and aviation properties ahead of the NBAA-BACE Conference in Las Vegas, October 17th to 19th. APN will be exhibiting at the show and can be found at booth C10443.

APN: “Brian, How long have you been involved in real estate?”

Brian Walker: “I’ve been involved in aviation real estate since 2008, but I’ve been involved in the aviation industry since 2003. It all started when I became the office manager at Monarch Air in McKinney. I loved the atmosphere, the people, and the work. I can truly say that I fell in love with aviation at that point, and I got my pilot’s license.”

APN: “What aspects of the real estate business have you been involved with throughout your career, and what would you say is your specialty?”

Brian Walker: “I specialize in fixed base operators (FBOs), corporate hangars, maintenance repair, and overhaul facilities (MROs). I really love selling corporate hangars for owners and operators of every size. As far as where I started, I started off as the office manager at Monarch Air, but I quickly branched out and started selling hangars and aviation spaces on the owners’ and landlords’ behalves. That introduced me to property management, contract negotiations, and aviation real estate sales.”

APN: “What is your involvement in aviation?”

Brian Walker: “I’m a commercial pilot and worked briefly as an aircraft salesman selling new Piper aircraft. In 2007, I accepted a position with Cutter Aviation as the Director of Maintenance. As I grew and learned more, I was promoted to General Manager. I even spent some time with Signature Aviation in Houston. I moved into the FBO space from those positions and managed several FBOs.”

APN: “How long have you been involved with aviation real estate?”

Brian Walker: “I have been in aviation real estate specifically since 2008. At that time, I was selling hangars and maintenance facilities on the owners’ and landlords’ behalves. After several years in that space, I decided I needed my real estate license, and I officially became a licensed Realtor in 2021.”

APN: “How would you describe the aviation property climate in Texas?”

Brian Walker: “In Texas, it’s still very much a seller’s market. There’s not enough hangar space for all the aircraft that are out there. People are looking hard and heavy for any hangar they can find. The opportunities for development are vast in the state of Texas. If you have the capital and wherewithal to find a property to build hangars, you could fill it up quickly.”

APN: “Do you have any professional distinctions that you’d like to talk about?”

Brian Walker: “I have a Bachelor’s Degree from Texas Tech and am a real fan of their sports teams. I’m a commercial, instrument-rated pilot. I’m currently the Director of Aviation at Vision Commercial Real Estate, selling commercial spaces and aviation properties. We also offer property management and accounting services. When I’m not working, I spend time with my wife and two children. We like to boat and ski on the weekends when Texas Tech isn’t playing.”

If you need a real estate agent who has also worked in corporate aviation and has extensive experience selling and negotiating contracts for MROs and business aircraft hangars in Texas, Brian is the real estate agent to talk to. To learn more about Brian, visit Vision Commercial Real Estate in Fort Worth.

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