A specialty license plate program that supports aviation projects in Idaho is under threat of termination in July. To prevent termination, Idaho pilots will need to purchase a lot more of the specialty plates.
The Idaho Aviation Foundation (IAF) sponsored the license plate bill in 2011 when the existing statute required a minimum of 1,000 plates to be in circulation every year to keep the program active. There are currently 1,720 plates in use, generating over $20,000 annually for safety, education, and airport enhancement projects. The state also receives about the same amount in general fund revenue from the plates.
However, in 2020 the legislature passed a bill requiring a minimum of 2,000 plates to be in circulation. The IAF is requesting the legislature to grandfather in existing plate programs under the lower threshold. They believe that lawmakers did not intend to harm existing plate programs and are asking pilots, aviation-related businesses, and supporters to contact legislators and in particular the Senate Transportation Committee to have a proposed amendment to that effect placed on the committee agenda.