Macon Airport Extension Brings Growth to Area 

GA – The Middle Georgia Regional Airport has planned upgrades, like a new two-story corporate terminal building with conference rooms, restaurants, and gathering spaces. They are also planning to build a new air traffic tower. In addition, Tuesday morning, they broke ground for their runway extension. Megan Western was there to tell us more about this extension and its benefits. 

The project has been in the works for four decades and is finally taking flight. They expect 25 – 40 percent to be completed this year. Now they will have 600 more feet to bring back cargo carriers and help new and current businesses “We’ll be able to track larger aircraft that require the additional distance, and aircraft that are currently using can use it without being penalized,” says Doug Faour. The airport says it will allow more commercial airlines to new destinations. Mayor Lester Miller shares his excitement about job opportunities. “We look for good opportunities for our children to get good jobs here at the airport,” says Miller. 

Miller says kids can learn this trade through the Central Georgia Technical College and the career academy. Doug Faour says this will help more than Macon-Bibb. “It is a benefit for the entire region, and we’re happy to be able to be that economic engine for all of us,” Faour Dan Rhoades says the expansion also helps the Robins Air Force Base. “That will hopefully expand the types of jobs we have at Middle Georgia Regional Airport, which will provide more opportunity for folks working at Robins Air Force Base in the future,” says Rhoades. 

He says those opportunities are in technology, software, and computer sciences. “Every one of those airplanes that are flying in is less about the airframes, and more about the software that brings them in, is really the most important part in the future,” says Rhoades. The construction will happen in two phases: a retaining wall near the approach end of the runway, then the actual extension work will begin immediately. The extension should be completed in late 2024 or early 2025. 

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