New Hangar in the Works at Northwest Missouri Airport

MO – The Northwest Missouri Regional Airport (EVU) in Maryville will be looking at plans next spring for a new community hangar that will allow for jet storage, which is currently not available at the airport. City managers said during a recent City Council meeting that next year’s budget includes $100,000 for an engineering study for a new hangar. Airport management indicated that the hangar will be used for long-term aircraft storage as well as overnight storage and will be large enough to accommodate helicopters and up to mid-size business jets. Earlier this year, trees and vegetation that grew too close to the runway became potential obstructions to flight operations and were removed. Since then, construction of a new hangar has become the top priority on the airport’s capital improvements plan. Funding for the study will come primarily from the Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program’s Non-Primary Entitlement funds, which are carve-outs for general aviation airports to use on capital improvements and maintenance. NPE funds can be accrued for four years, allowing airports to accumulate enough funds for larger projects. Maryville City Council expects to review plans for the hangar sometime in the spring or summer of 2023.

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