New Terminal at Lafayette Regional Airport

LA – Lafayette Regional Airport (LFT) in Lafayette, Louisiana, has opened its new $150 million terminal building which at 120,000 SF is twice the size of the one it replaced. The project began in 2014 when voters approved a temporary 1-cent sales tax to fund airport improvements. In eight months the tax raised more than $33 million, which proved crucial to helping the airport secure grants from the state of Louisiana, the Federal Aviation Administration, the U.S. Economic Development Administration, and other sources. In all, the project relied on funding provided by 28 individual grants from 13 separate sources.

The total cost of the project includes demolition of the old terminal, which should be completed in October of this year. The area occupied by the old terminal will be turned into a green space with walking trails. The new terminal was built adjacent to this area and will be able to utilize it in the event further expansion takes place.

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