Northern Colorado Regional Airport Experiences Increasing Growth

The Northern Colorado Regional Airport is experiencing significant demand, which is encouraging development and growth at the airport. Business jet activity and fuel sales continue to increase. Discovery Air, the newest planned fixed-based operator (FBO) recently opened the doors to its newest 33,000-square-foot hangar housed with long-term corporate tenants. The newest FBO comes from a significant investment by the Water Valley Company, owned by Martin Lind.

Additionally, Discovery Air is seeking approvals to partner with the airport in efforts to bring U.S. Customs and Border Protection to the airport. The proposal includes the airport applying for U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s Reimbursable Services Program, which would fund the customs facility through a public-private partnership. Discovery Air has already invested in the pre-construction of a facility with room for CBP, according to documents filed with the airport commission. The airport is working on securing assistance from local governments and discussing using American Rescue Plan Act funds.
The establishment of a customs office would create a foreign trade zone at the airport, according to the proposal. Increased fuel sales and attractiveness to international companies are also benefits that could come with the establishment of a customs office, documents say.

Furthermore, the FAA has made great progress with remote tower testing. There is also further hangar development underway across the airport including Discovery Air’s continued development of their FBO campus. The Commission also recently approved the airport to enter into negotiations with the Fort Collins-Loveland Jet Center as a result of the recent hangar development RFP.

The airport is also slated for a brand new, world-class terminal building which is currently in the design phase with construction to start in early 2023. Many opportunities for growth in commerce and additional jobs for the community are anticipated with this project.

The Northern Colorado region continues to see increasing growth, with Amazon building a huge distribution warehouse just to the northeastern corner of the airport, which will bring huge stimulation to the Northern Colorado economy through various avenues.

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